Professional Portfolio
As a marketer and content strategist, Lindsay Racen has been involved in nearly every facet of digital brand development. She holds an MBA, graduate certificate in organizational leadership, and a bachelor’s degree in journalism and media studies. Learn more about her by downloading her professional resume and exploring some of her top projects and published pieces.
Lindsay Racen’s ResumeContent and Writing Samples
With extensive experience in writing press releases, articles, collateral and digital marketing communications, my full library of work is too extensive to feature here. However, I invite you to browse the following categories to get a better idea of the diversity of skills I can contribute to any team.
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Tustin Legacy Academy Cover Story – Design Cost Data Magazine
Architects often draw on a variety of different inspirations when creating a new design. The process can be both creative and incredibly technical as they take into consideration the resources of an existing site and mix in the complexities of a new build. This is the exciting challenge that PJHM Architects faced when the company was approached to design the new Legacy Magnet Academy campus in Tustin, California.
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5 Things the Most Successful People Have in Common – UMass Global Blog
There is no single definition of “success.” Many different people have their own interpretation of the word that is often based on personal values, experiences, beliefs and other complex factors. Sometimes it’s a mix of factual evidence and emotional sentiments that influence its meaning, while other times it can skew stronger in one direction than the other. Pulling insight from influential leaders in our world today and our own understandings of the concept, here are 5 things some of the world’s most successful people have in common.
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How Brandman University Created a Successful Recruitment Strategy – Recruiting and Retaining Adult Learner’s Journal
Shelly Neal, Ph.D., is the vice chancellor of strategic initiatives at Brandman University, a nonprofit institution with a rich heritage of academic excellence and more than 50 years of experience serving nontraditional and adult students. Her division, which began as a one-woman show at the school’s San Diego campus ten years ago, has grown to a team of more than 30 professionals who are dedicated to building enrollments by creating strategic community and corporate partnerships.
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Olukai Ho’olaule’a – Pacific Paddler Magazine
For visitors, May 16th and 17th was a picture perfect spring weekend on Maui, but for paddlers the island’s beautiful coastline presented a challenge at the OluKai Ho’olaule’a. The event featured an OC1 race and a Stand Up Paddle race beginning at Maliko Gulch and ending at Kanaha Beach Park on the island’s North Shore.
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