From Passions to Purpose

A Short Story
Jake is your average college kid who finds himself caught in a love spiral with Cassy, a drop-dead-gorgeous sorority girl. When life throws them an unexpected surprise, their relationship becomes more important than ever, but to who exactly? Find out in this short story filled with heart, family and ravaging love that consumes us on all fronts.
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Book Quotes in Color
It’s a personal passion of mine to elevate the authors and artists who share their talents with us. That’s the mission of @BookQuotes_InColor on Instagram to share inspiring life quotes and book-related inspiration from everyday life.
Follow @BookQuotes_inColor
Our Family Adventures
I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and am now enjoying introducing my daughter to the beauty of the world God has given us. Subscribe to my YouTube for videos from our adventures, and follow @RacenFamilyAdventures on Instagram, for scoping out our favorite local spots in SoCal along with a bit of travel when we can getaway.
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Fertility Warrior
Above all, I am a mom! After 4 years, 2 doctors, 6 artificial inseminations, 1 miscarriage, 2 egg retrievals, 3 IVF embryo transfers and quite the dramatic entrance into the world, our miracle @bobbimyla arrived! I am currently illustrating a children’s book about the fertility process to give parents a resource to share their journeys with their little ones. Contact me for publishing queries and follow my illustration and artistic journey by following @MyWorldInWatercolor on Instagram.
Follow @MyWorldInWatercolor