5 Ways Education Leads to Healthy Living

The following article was published on the Brandman University Blog.

Teachers, students and parents alike understand the value of receiving a quality educational opportunities. Now experts are finding a correlation between this basic human right and the betterment of our bodies. This month we’re celebrating health and wellness in our community by highlighting five ways education benefits our welfare.

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The Evolution of Educational Innovation

This article was published on the UMass Global Blog.

Evolution of Education Technology

Learning is the natural instinct that fuels evolution. We often speak about how our complex societies and economic well being affect education without thinking of the past and what it took to get us where we are. Here we explore the greatest technological breakthroughs in educational innovation and celebrate the successes that took us this far into the future.

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Quotes from Ted Talks that Inspire the Education Revolution

This article was published on the UMass Global Blog.


Many teachers actually use TED Talks to support the lessons they deploy to students. In fact the nonprofit network offers an entire section of their site dedicated to providing free tools for teachers to utilize in the classroom. The organization began in 1984 and represents the conversion of Technology, Entertainment and Design, and now incorporates endless topics on “ideas worth spreading.” This article pulls some of the best blockquotes on the education revolution stated by true visionaries in the field.

Tax Tip: Student Loan Interest Deduction

This article was published on the UMass Global Blog.

Student Loan Tax Deduction

Out of all of the seasons that we look forward to throughout the year, tax season is generally not one of them. All of the forms, calculations, and software needed for filing can get exhausting. But the best part about it is the opportunity to maximize your return, and student loans can play an important role in doing so. Depending on the type of loan, a student loan interest deduction may be available. Ask your tax professional and possibly a financial aid advisor at your institution to discover how you can take advantage of the opportunity. Continue reading

Scholarships for College: Finding the Financing

The following article was published on the UMass Global Blog.

Not all scholarships are created equal. Although there are many websites that help students navigate through the process, the search in itself may be overwhelming. It’s important to first caution students to remember when finding scholarships for college to never pay for an award opportunity or any services to help them find one. It may sound obvious but even if the fee is only a few dollars, the request itself indicates a high likelihood of being a scam since all credible options are intended to be free college scholarships. With that critical detail addressed we begin the scholarship search.

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Top 5 Financial Aid Questions Students Ask

The following article was published on the UMass Global Blog

Financial Aid Questions

Achieving a higher education degree requires significant investments of both time and money. It is easy for new students to become overwhelmed when researching their options for financial aid and other resources for success. There are numerous sources of information available to help guide students through the process. Some schools like Brandman University offers a virtual guide to help its students navigate through their financing options. It is important to be aware of specific deadlines for filing for aid based on federal and individual university schedules. Explore the top 5 questions that students ask when beginning their road to graduation.

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