When you look up some fun facts and trivia about Missouri you come up with some pretty strange things like the state animal is the mule or iced tea was invented there thanks to some dude named Richard Blechyden at the 1904 World’s Fair. Who woulda thunkin? But when you set off to map your own Missouri travels you’ll also find some pretty sweet places to stop and explore on your next vacation to the Midwest. Here are some ideas to get you started on your way to the oddly named “Show Me State.”
The City and the Hill
Travel Tip >> The city goes to great lengths to keep visitors and residents safe. Travel light and be prepared for airport-like security as you go to the Gateway Arch’s visitors center and other locations including the Cardinals team store.
Our first full day was well spent exploring Saint Louis proper, that is home to the iconic Gateway Arch which just celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015. If you rented a car, there is smart-metered street parking that you can pay for right from your smart phone via a special app, and it even gives you alerts when you are coming up on your time limit. Our first stop was in fact the famous arch which was pretty amazing to see close up, although I always hate to see graffiti in the form of scratched etchings along the base of a symbol of freedom like that. Visitors can buy tickets to travel to the top of the 63 story structure to see a full view of the city and the Mississippi river that it so elegantly sits beside. Word on the street is that its a tight squeeze so if you’re afraid of heights or tight spaces this adventure may not be for you. Where did they get the steel to construct the 43,000 ton structure you ask? Well my beloved city of Pittsburgh of course! Remember my travel tip when you go collect your national park stamps at the visitor’s center as there is a full metal detector and bag scanning process to get in the doors. If you plan on making it out to the city to visit the landmark, you may want to wait until the renovation of the surrounding grounds and park is complete in 2017.
Once we got our fill of the Gateway Arch, we headed off to find some toasted ravioli since Saint Louis is the home of the famous food. The city prides itself on its Italian dishes and if you’re looking for some options in the area head to The Hill, a neighborhood well-known for their delicious carbs and sauces. We found ourselves at Rigazzi’s, apparently the oldest spot on the neighborhood complete with a mini gateway arch just outside its doors. The critics at our table agree that the food doesn’t match its rating as the best Italian restaurant in St. Louis but it does advertise one statement accurately in proclaiming its the “Home of the Frozen Fishbowl.” In other words if you’re thirsty for a giant schooner of beer, go here! As you enter the restaurant, you’ll actually find an original St. Louis Blues Arena Seat that belonged to Bernie Federko who holds the franchise record for most seasons played and contributed 1,073 points to the team. If you’re aiming for the best toasted ravioli however, apparently it was created just down the road at Mama’s on the Hill where one fateful day a chef accidentally dropped a ravioli in a bucket of boiling water. We missed the mark on this clearly, but I look forward to confirming this bragging right on my next trip out there.
Fredbird and Squirrel Art
Travel Tip >> Check to see if the Cardinal’s store across from Busch Stadium is selling a base from your team’s match up with the cards. They’re about $250+ depending on the game, but how rad would that be for a bar stool in your sports cave?!
We finished our day in the city by checking out the Busch Stadium, home of the Saint Louis Cardinals. Although we couldn’t make a game in the final series of the season against the Pittsburgh Pirates (Go Bucs!), the stadium was easy to peer into and take in the spirit of the ballpark. Venture across the street and you’ll find the Cardinals Hall of Fame and Museum on the second floor. The wall honoring the top players is free to check out but you’ll need to buy up to see the exhibit. If you’re REALLY lucky, you may run into Fredbird, the cardinal’s mascot, who is apparently extremely rare to spot unless you’re part of a special or private event nearby. We were part of the lucky few, although I almost scared him off when I mentioned I was a Pirates fan. Oops, sorry I’m not sorry! I nearly bought a base from one of the games that weekend at the store on the first floor, it would have been perfect for my lady cave.
Next stop was our home base, where we stayed with my husband’s family in Defiance, Missouri, a little ways outside of the city. It’s a beautiful home on one of many lakes in the state, in the very woodsy part of the suburbs past the ranch-like homes with acres of grass. Okay it’s in the sticks let’s be honest, and I say that in the best way possible. It’s a place where people retreat for some peace and bloody quiet, practically unheard of where I’m from in Cali which is why it was so amazing to be at. If you find yourself in this area there is this charming little local establishment called The Roadhouse that gets quite creative with squirrel taxidermy. I love me some locals-only spots! Oh and let’s not forget the area is a playground for winos like me. I couldn’t help but notice the wineries in almost every direction, it was like a little piece of heaven in the Midwest! I must map out my wine trail during my next Missouri travels.
The Lake of the Ozarks
Travel Tip >> Lather up on bug spray and watch out for spiders, the critters are pretty fierce out in Missouri.
If you can find an Air B2B or other rental option while you’re out in the “Show Me” state, try to find a spot on the Lake of the Ozarks. We are blessed to have 120 acres and a private cove that are all part of a scenic retreat that will be passed down from generation to generation through a secured family trust. This beautiful piece of land is where we ventured out to set up camp for the main event of the trip – a flannel-filled family reunion. Some major improvements were made since I last visited, namely the presence of a beautiful speedboat and a hand-built dock that it perched perfectly in. This is where I spent much of my time, reading my kindle, drinking beers, watching the neighbors fish for hours, and simply staring down the no-wake channel trying to find where the horizon opened up to the expansive water. And then I rest…Moments like those don’t exist where I’m from so I had to capture the mental picture and feeling and store it in the back of my mind for when I need to call on it the most.
This year my husband and I failed miserably to plan a camping trip so we instantly jumped at the opportunity to pitch a tent outside for the weekend while the parents and little cousins claimed the bedrooms. The property is so large that its easy to feel like you are in the wilderness, and really we practically were. The campfire burned all night, the beers and shots were plentiful, and I just couldn’t resist a night swim in the lake so I freed my clothes and jumped in! For those of you who come from the west coast, the water is supremely warm there compared to the pacific ocean, it was practically bath water on our skin. There are very small water snakes and turtles but both are harmless I’m told. The first night I had a little too much fun and ended up sleeping through turkey huntin, an attempt that yielded nothing other than spotting the tip of a wing as it scurried off into the woods. No matter, when your family owns the land target practice is plentiful (the empty beer cans help too) so we took the tractors, shotguns, and rifles and found a clearing for some family firearm fun. If any of these activities interest you make sure you check the hunting season and get your permit prior to traveling out. Transporting firearms, when they are packed responsibly and appropriately, is surprisingly simple we found out on this trip, so be safe and have a ball if this is in your game plan.
Later that day it was finally time for me to check out this sexy speedboat and it certainly exceeded my expectations. It was a family affair, and the first boat ride for my baby niece who to my surprise slept the entire time. I’ve been on sailboats plenty of times but never have I ever felt the exhilaration that I experienced on this ride. I fricken flew! Harnessed by my husband, I stretched out on the bow as it skimmed across the water and lifted off my seat every time the boat hit another’s wake. It was absolutely amazing! The view didn’t hurt either as we scoped out beachfront bars, luxury exotic homes, and fellow boaters who were out for their own cruises. I was on an adrenaline high long after we docked back at the cove and reached for some cold ones as we watched the flames of the campfire flicker. The weekend was a success and of course we could not help but take a classic family photo for the event that painted us as true Midwestern plaid and flannel folk.
The Saint Louis Zoo and Honorable Mentions
Travel Tip >> The Saint Louis Zoo is free!! Just buy-up for any special attractions you want to experience like the train, carousel, or 4D shows but there is plenty to see without even reaching for your wallet. Oh and White Castle is not awesome…
Our last full day was well spent at the Saint Louis Zoo located in Forest Park, an area that reminds me a little of Balboa Park in San Diego, complete with what I hear is a stellar Museum. The Zoo was quiet festive for the season which is always a plus and you can add to the fun with some beers or other adult beverages if you so desire. There were penguins, zebras, giraffes, big cats, red pandas, and an orphaned polar bear named Kali. No matter which way you wonder in there is something exciting around every corner. For more pictures follow me on instagram @bloglindsayamanda. Check it out and enjoy, then once you work up an appetite I highly recommend hopping on the highway and heading to Sugarfire Smoke House for some good old fashioned BBQ, complete with a home made pie place right next door. Mmmmmm!
And at last a few honorable mentions. First and foremost, White Castle is not awesome but hell if you want to try it for the novelty of it feel free. Next, Rural King is my new favorite store! Everything is massively cheap including $10 flannels, hardware, camouflage everything including lingerie, toys, and even live chicks (as in chickens) for a buck fifty each! What a steal! Twin Peaks is basically like Tilted Kilt or a lumberjack version of Hooters, and its a great place to watch sports with TVs on every wall. If you find yourself on the other side of the state, The Tank Room is a great place for drinks and live music.
The Best Shots in Missouri
Travel Tip >> In Missouri it’s legal to…drink alcohol in the car if you’re a passenger, travel in the trunk, not wear seat belts in the back of a cabin, and launch fireworks freely. Please remain smart and safe whether you are on the “hell ya” or “that’s crazy dumb” side of any of these situations.

Home on the Range…
Let’s recap shall we? If you’re looking for the best bets in the state based on my Missouri travels here’s a quick-reference point from Saint. Louis to the Ozarks:
- Big Beers – Rigazzi’s
- BBQ – Sugarfire Smoke House
- Toasted Ravioli – Mama’s on the Hill
- Squirrel Art – The Roadhouse
- Wine Tasting – Defiance Highway 94
- City View – Top of the Gateway Arch
- Speedboat Ride – Lake of the Ozarks
- Cheap Everything Shopping – Rural King
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Nice memoir. Very descriptive. Made me feel like I was there.