This article was published on News-n-Views
“Land of the free, and the home of the brave,” these words are sung to compliment nearly every American tradition. Cities all around the country and the honored government of the United States annually honors its military heroes, past and present, November 11 with Veterans Day, formally referred to as Armistice Day.
The city of Mission Viejo holds its own tradition to celebrate this patriotic day. This year’s observance ceremony will be held at Norman P. Murray Community Center at 2 p.m. It will be followed by a performance of Timeless Melodies: Songs that Inspired a Nation featuring tunes from Yankee Doodle to God Bless America. The concert begins at 3:30 p.m. and costs $5, which is waved for veterans.
Mission Viejo takes support for American troops a step further with its ongoing efforts with its program that adopts Marines, Sailors and their families. There is an array of options for residents to get involved this holiday season and throughout the year.
Thanksgiving is a time for family and celebrating the bonds between those we care about the most. For the men and women in our force this time is especially meaningful. Residents may adopt a single force member or their family by sending them a $50 grocery store gift card to help with their festivities.
The holiday spirit continues with the opportunity to contribute toys and gifts for their families’ homecoming gatherings in December. From the simplest everyday needs of toiletries to small dried snacks, gifts can go a long way for our troops overseas. These are the items and luxuries we may take advantage of, but for our Marines and Sailors they can be the difference between struggling and bringing comfort to their homes away from home. Locations for drop off for boxes can be found on the Mission Viejo website.
The return for any troop is grounds for celebration. The transition can be the happiest moment in recent memory while also taking on challenges of facing lost time with family members. The city of Mission Viejo and its residents can help by donating baby supplies and furniture to ease their relocation off base their houses built on love.
The city has already raised funds through their Support Our Adopted Marines and Sailors program to send entry-level troops to their annual ball this past October and extends their efforts by accepting year round donations.
Any amount of monetary support is also accepted at any time. Checks (made payable to “Mission Viejo Community Foundation) and gift cards can be sent or hand delivered to: City of Mission Viejo, Recreation and Community Services Dept., 200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Please include your address to receive a written confirmation of your donation.
For more information on Mission Viejo’s Support Our Adopted Marines and Sailors program please call 949-470-3061. Volunteer opportunities are also available for residents who would like to give the gift of their time and talents to the United States military. The city thanks its residents for their ongoing support and blesses our troops with a strong and united community to return to.